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Moon 2999 is a resource management, hero and single-player or co-op action mission game about a lunar base and nearby space. The action is set in 2999, technologies have evolved enough to allow the colonization of part of the solar system and political tensions over the centuries have led to the creation of factions.

You are the commander of one Luna base, your goal is to manage and improve your base, exploring space and doing the different missions 


Start of the game

The game startes with a part of the buildings already built on level 1 as well as a starting batch of resources, tokens and gradions.

The first thing to do is to activate one or more heroes with the tokens by choosing the factions and the status, rank of the heroes



The Lunar base is composed of several building, some of them are already built, some other need to be built or upgraded. 


Buildings are providing ressources or missions, a crew member must be assigned on the building for ressource production or to participate to missions



The resources of the game

  • Regolith : Extracted from the lunar rock, makes it possible to obtain oxygen and LS construction materials based on silica and aluminum
  • O2: Oxygen is extracted by the O2 generator from the regolith using electricity and can be stored into the O2 storage warehouse. Lunar regolith is made up of 40–45% percent oxygen by weight, this oxygen is bound up chemically as oxides in the form of minerals or glass. Oxygen extraction is taking place using a method called molten salt electrolysis, involving placing regolith in a metal basket with molten calcium chloride salt to serve as an electrolyte, heated to 950°C. Then passing a current through it causes the oxygen to be extracted from the regolith and migrate across the salt to be collected at an anode. As a bonus this process also converts the regolith into usable metal alloys. Oxygen is used for fuel and life support.
  • LS: Light Silicat aluminium is easy to extract from regolith. It is main used to build metallic structures. LS is extracted by the LS generator from the regolith using electricity and can be stored into the LS storage warehouse.
  • Proto molecule: Unstable molecule with awesome properties allowing construction acceleration, resource replacement
  • Food: Food produced by hydroponic farmsFood is produced by hydroponic farms. Food is a critical for human life support in deep-space exploration. An artificial closed ecosystem must built through integrating efficient higher plant cultivation, animal protein production, urine nitrogen recycling, and bioconversion of solid waste.
  • Electricity: Allows to power the various buildings, produced by the solar farm or by the nuclear reactors. Electricity is used to control the room temperature and to power all room equipments. Some rooms can be power off to reduce electricity consumption, if there is not enough electricity a room (random choice) will be automatically power off.
  • Recon & Bounty points: Win during events, mission, allows to complete if the team level is not enough for a mission, it is consumable.

Les kit medic

Les armes

Les armures

Les artefacts

Les boost


The factions

Each faction has different characteristics on exploration, combat, enginering, etc., and do not necessarily get along well with each other. The player having to manage a base will have to choose the members of his crew among 200 heroes according to the desired characteristics and the factions used. Each mission (mining, exploration, etc.) is based on a maximum of one leader, 2 lieutenants and 5 crew members.

When a faction has an affinity with the leader of a mission the lead capacity (command) is increased and it is possible to manage more mission or production crew. Conversely, if the leader and his lieutenants are from the ennemy faction, the lead will be reduced is therefore the mission or production workforce. The number of possible members for a mission is therefore a function of the level of lead but also the level of improvement of the building.



The Heroes

There are 200 heroes who can be obtained through tokens, heroes have a rank of 1 to 5 and a status, gold, silver and bronze.

They are 30 per faction, 15 bronze, 10 silver, 5 gold and,  6 elites without factions.

The rank of a hero indicates its maximum  level of stats, and its status indicates the bonus for some stats




There are three kinds of Bronze, Silver, Gold tokens to activate respectively bronze, silver, gold heroes

  Bronze Silver Gold
Tokens needed 10 150 500


Tokens are obtained during missions or events. 

To activate a hero simply press the crew button and assign tokens needed to activate, tokens can be partially or completely affected depending on availability . Once used it is impossible to recover the tokens

The game starts with tokens of each rank to activate some bronze, silver or gold heroes.



Gradions allow a hero to progress by changing ranks

The change of rank allows the heroes to be trained and increase their stats

Rank Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4 Rank5
Gradions needed 250 1250 5000 17000 30000