• 0.png3.png4.png7.png1.png7.png


Lead statistic

On each building, the lead define the number of available slot for crew member. This number is also depending of the building level.

Tableau slot/ levels

By default only the leader slot is available, each new slot required 100 lead to be used. Each time an hero is assigned on slot the lead is recomputed to activate new slot or desctivate some if lead is not enough.

When a slot is deactivated, the corresponding hero is removed from the crew mission.

The heroes having the same factions or ally factions will increase the leader’s lead by 25% for lieutenants and 10% for other crew members. In opposite, having an ennemy faction will reduce the lead.

Img example

Secondary and third stats

Each building have a specific secondary and third stats, these stats will have a specific bonus depending of assigned heroes


When hero is assigned on regular mission, like regolith mine or academy he can be lock on that mission to avoid to assign him on another mission.

But a lock hero can still be assign temporary on the following missions

  • Bounty pad
  • Recon pad
  • War pad

Image hero lock



Main Mission


This building is already built on level 1, It is the command center , its level will determine the other buildings that can be built or updated.  The team present in this building allows to defend the base against the other players or to attack them during PvP war.  So it is important to upgrade it when possible.

This building consumes electricity , it is not possible to adjust this consumption.

Like all missions the number of heroes who can participate is  depending on the level of the building and the lead level of the leader.

The principal statistics for this building are

  • Attack
  • Defense

While the base defense is automatic when you are attacked, to attack you have to go to the war pad and to select the crew members you want for the mission


 Exploration pad


This building is already built on level 1. It allows to launch exploration missions that will take some time depending on the difficulty of the mission

The choice of the mission will depend on the heroes assigned to the mission which determines the level of recon. This level will make it possible to select missions of more or less duration with more or less important rewards

If the recon level of all the heroes is not enough it is possible to use a boost if the player has one.Also a boost  duration allows to reduce the mission time.

Like all missions the number of heroes who can participate is  depending on the level of the building and the lead level of the leader.

The exploration missions are temporary, so the heroes are assigned to the exploration without being unassigned from their  main mission. if they were assigned to the mining or the defense of the base for example, when the exploration mission is over the hero returns to his main assignment.


Bounty pad


This building is already built on level 1. It allows you to launch bounty hunter missions t

The bounty level of the team allows to choose more or less difficult missions with more or less important rewards, he choice of the mission will depend on the heroes assigned to the mission which determines the level of bounty.

The reward  is double if the target is captured alive, i.e. if the mission is finished before the last 15 seconds, otherwise it is considered dead

The time of the mission is 2 mn

If the bounty level of all the heroes is not enough it is possible to use bounty token if the player has some.

Like all missions the number of heroes who can participate and depending on the level of the building and the lead level of the leader + bonus teammates.  Bounty missions are temporary, so the heroes are assigned to the mission without being assigned to their main mission if they were assigned to mining or defending the base for example, when the mission of bounty is finished the hero returns to his main assignment but must be heal if wounded.

During a fight if the hp of a hero = 0 , he is put in stasis and must be treated. A hero with hp=0 assigned to a building is useless.


Regolith mine

This building must be built allows to extract regolith and to dissipate it in the 02 or LS generator. The production rate depends on the level of improvement of the building but also on the composition of the team carrying out the mining, each hero having a mining stat and possibly a bonus according to his rank and status.

This building consumes electricity to produce regolith, it is possible to adjust this consumption according to the needs of the base which will generate more or less regolith. This building has a storage capacity, when this capacity is at its maximum, the regolith is transferred to the generators. It is possible to transfer manually by clicking on the info icon.


O2 Generator

This building must be built to produce the oxygen used for missions and the maintenance of life on the base. The production rate depends on the level of improvement of the building but also on the composition of the team carrying out the production, each hero having a stat of ingeneer and possibly a bonus according to his rank and status.

This building consumes electricity to produce oxygen, it is possible to adjust this consumption according to the needs of the base which will generate more or less oxygen.

Oxygen production also consumes regolith.

This building has a storage capacity, when this capacity is at its maximum, the oxygen is transferred to the player's reserves which appear as a stat on the screen. It is possible to transfer manually by clicking on the info icon


LS Generator

This building must be built to produce the metal plates used for the construction or improvement of buildings.

The production rate depends on the level of improvement of the building but also on the composition of the team carrying out the production, each hero having a stat of engineer and possibly a bonus according to his rank and status.

This building consumes electricity to produce LS, it is possible to adjust this consumption according to the needs of the base which will generate more or less LS.

LS production also consumes regolith

This building has a storage capacity, when this capacity is at its maximum, the LS is transferred to the player's reserves which appear as a stat on the screen. It is possible to transfer manually by clicking on the info icon.


LS Storage Warehouse



This building to be built allows to produce to increase the reserve of LS

The storage capacity depends on the level of improvement of the building but also on the composition of the team present in the building, each hero having a stat of engineer and possibly a bonus according to his rank and status.

This building consumes electricity for storage, it is not possible to adjust this consumption. This building has a storage capacity, when this capacity is at its maximum, production is stopped 

<Storage table<


 Hydroponic farm

Growing plants potatoes, peanuts, tomatoes, peppers and othervegetables can be grown without use of soil, just in only water. This process known as hydroponic growth.

Hydroponic farms are used to grow fresh and healthy food to sustain lunar life..

The production rate depends on the level of improvement of the building but also on the composition of the team carrying out the production, each hero having a stat of engineer and possibly a bonus according to his rank and status.

This building consumes electricity to produce food, it is possible to adjust this consumption according to the needs of the base which will generate more or less food. This building has a storage capacity, when this capacity is at its maximum, the food is transferred to the player's reserves which appear as stat on the screen. It is possible to transfer manually by clicking on the info icon


Solar farm

This building must be constructed to produce the electricity used for the operation or improvement of the buildings.

The production rate depends on the level of improvement of the building but also on the composition of the team carrying out the production, each hero having a stat of engineer and possibly a bonus according to his rank and status.

Used and available electricity is displayed as a stat on the screen.


 Medical Center


This building to be built allows to produce medic kits used to treat wounded heroes to recover health points (HP).

The production rate depends on the level of improvement of the building but also on the composition of the team carrying out the production, each hero having a stat of engineer and possibly a bonus according to his rank and status.

This building consumes electricity to produce the medic kits, it is possible to adjust this consumption according to the needs of the base which will generate more or less kits.

When kit production reaches the maximum of the storage reserve the production is stopped .

The heroes assigned to the medical center recovered HP quickly.

<Tableau max kit par niveau<

To know the number of kits available press any bar resource displayed on the screen




This building must be built allows to train the heroes by increasing their lead capacity.

The training speed is function of the level of improvement of the building, the training will be done for each hero present in the building up to the maximum level depending on their rank

If all  the heroes reach their maximum a warning appears on the icon d info

This building consumes electricity it is possible to adjust this consumption according to the needs of the base




Food storage warehouse. This building must be built to increase the food reserve.

The storage capacity depends on the level of improvement of the building but also on the composition of the team present in the building, each hero having a stat of engineer and possibly a bonus according to his rank and status.

This building consumes electricity for storage, it is not possible to adjust this consumption. This building has a storage capacity, when this capacity is at its maximum, production is stopped 

<Storage table<


Oxygen storage warehouse


This building must be built to produce to increase the oxygen reserve.

The storage capacity depends on the level of improvement of the building but also on the composition of the team present in the building, each hero having a stat of engineer and possibly a bonus according to his rank and status.

This building consumes electricity for storage, it is not possible to adjust this consumption. This building has a storage capacity, when this capacity is at its maximum, production is stopped 

<Storage table<




Deep space tracking station



This building can be built when the command center arrives at level 5 it then allows to know the JCE attacks that can happen.

During an attack jce a particular screen allows to manage the defenses of the base

  • Meteorite rains
  • Alien attack
  • Plasma turret
  • Laser turret


War pad



This building must be built and is available when the command center reaches level 3. 

It allows you to launch PvP missions to attack other players' bases. A map  allows you to choose the player to attack with a minimum of info. 

It is possible to send a probe and have more info about defenses.

The choice of the mission will depend on the heroes assigned to the mission which determines the level of attack, artifacts and bonuses. Like all missions the number of heroes who can participate and depending on the level of the building and the lead level of the leader.

When a base is attacked, the heroes present in the command center defend the base. If the attacker wins, 15% of the resources of the attack play are won and therefore lost by the defender .An attacked base can no longer be attacked as its player does not reconnect in order to avoid looting. It is also impossible to attack a base with 3 levels of differences at the command center level

To protect yourself from attacks it is possible to use a shield. This shield is canceled you launch an attack.

When you have been attacked it is possible to take revenge even if the player has already been attacked in the meantime by another joeur and has not connected since.The revenge attack is not taken into account as a regular attack and therefore gives the opportunity to take revenge.


Commercial space hub



This building must be built It allows create a guild and participate in guild events

It also allows access to auctions to sell or buy objects and resources.

This building consumes electricity to operate, it is not possible to adjust this consumption






 Engineering Labs




 Commercial space hub




 Medical research




Mining Labs