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You can find hereafter the different devlogs and versions content

  • green: feature is implemented
  • orange : feature under implementation, but not yet finalized
  • red : feature not yet implemented

#Devlog1 v1.01.x

  • Moon terrain, flare lens , roads ready
  • All buildings designed with both under construction shader and final rendering
  • Meshes are optimized, no LOD, textures optimized
  • Fully functional buildings:
  • Regolith mine
  • Solar farm
  • Hydroponic farm
  • Bounty pad
  • O2 generator
  • LS generator
  • Ressources usage and draft heroes created
  • UI for buildings ok


#Devlog2 v1.02.x

  • UI for crate inventory done
  • Crate anim and shader
  • Scene loading and transitions draft
  • Bounty mission draft with ennemy bronze,silver,gold
  • Armory draft with weapons,armor and artefacts
  • Heroes inventory and filters done
  • Succes and rewards draft
  • Tutorial missions draft
  • Recon pad and recon missions draft
  • NLS support draft : english / french
  • Presentation screen with settings draft
  • Succes mechanism draft



#Devlog3 v1.03.x - bounty missions done - 

  • Heroes avatars for gold, silver , bronze and some generics done
  • Bounty rewards and stats ok
  • Bounty UI for heroes placement
  • Bounty pad UI and heroes slot reworked
  • All bounty ennemy done with power and ranks
  • Armory Inventory progress with items icons and stats
  • Crate inventory with anim and shader done
  • Heroes armor for marine and head hunter done
  • Remove skybox and add small earth with anim done
  • Add automatic light on during night


#Devlog4 v1.04.x - avatar done

  • Web site , facebook, discord draft
  • All heroes avatars done
  • Armory Inventory  done with all existing armor, weapons, artefact
  • Heroes armor for pilot and medic done
  • Recon missions done
  • Medical center for exp and health recovery done
  • Academy for exp done
  • UI help about faction bonus / malus
  • UI help about armor / weapon damage
  • Medic kit functional


#Devlog5 v1.2.x - load sage game on cloud

  • Remote save and continue game
  • Bounty pad anim on start mission
  • Recon anim on start mission
  • Storage buildings, armory, o2, LS, regolith fully fonctional
  • Nuclear facility
  • Main mission draft
  • Tutorial done
  • Heroes armor all done
  • Recon missions done
  • Medical center for exp and health recovery done
  • Academy for exp done
  • UI help about faction bonus / malus
  • UI help about armor / weapon damage
  • Medic kit functional
  • Daily rewards


#Devlogx - standalone alpha version

  • Spatial station with 100 levels